Disney Songs For The Latinx Soul

While all my friends were bopping their head to the Disney songs in English, I was singing the lyrics in Spanish. I grew up watching the Latin American dubs of Disney films, so belting out a hit in my native language is a reflex. Many people are not aware of the famous Latinx celebrities that provide a voice for the Disney characters. So, I am going to share some of my favorites with you.
Did Disney Lose It’s Magic?

Walt Disney World—A place full of magic, memorable characters, and where childhood memories stay with you forever. Alondra and Gil enjoyed their first time with Mickey Mouse and friends.
Treasures from the Thrift Shop

Last year, Alondra found a Christmas Garfield plush toy and got it for me. It is still on my bed and I cherish it. This year I decided to return the favor and see what I can find for her. You’d be surprised by the things you find at the thrift shop.